Wells Fargo Support Ticket

Secured Card Issues - Wells Fargo Secured Card

Created By: tim72's Picture tim72 Last Reply: tim72's Picture tim72
Priority Level: [High] Status: [Open]
Created: 9 years ago Last Updated: 9 years ago
Department: N/A Replies: 0
Product: Wells Fargo Secured Card

My complaint is twofold and centers on the credit card services of Wells Fargo bank and general account management of said services. First I want to state that, while I don’t feel I am due anything more than what I have earned, I do however expect to at least have some kind of firm of definitive answer to certain questions as well as service at least as prompt as their fees.

Issue one is in regards to their secured card offering. While over the majority of my 22 year credit life time I was never late or over limit, my family, as so many others, suffered setbacks during 2008, my wife’s job being a casualty of that time period. As a result we tried to keep things paid with only my employment but fell behind in 2009 and ultimately had to file bankruptcy. Regardless of the reasons it is a righteous slam to my credit and Wells Fargo is more than in their rights to be very strict on their lending practices. I have been on time and never late or over limit since. However since I have banked at the same bank for 20 or so years, it would be nice to have a card issued by that bank for convenience sake if nothing more.

I fully understand that I am only approved for a secured card and that’s fine with me, but I would like to know when I at least get a review to graduate. I have asked this to several reps both at the outset as well as in the months since and I have heard, 6 months, 12 months, spring of each year, and anytime inside of 18 months. This is a training issue that should be rectified. I have little problem getting other major bank cards with considerable limits, even while holding on to my Capital One cards if only for age and the high credit limits they already have. If they weren’t Quicksilver they’d be canceled by now. I really need to get some facts to determine if my Wells card is even worth paying the yearly fee for, as they are my sole card that charges one. Otherwise I will have to cancel at the 11th month even though that is not my wish, but I don’t want to pay for the privilege of my money being held either if there is no ultimate benefit.

Issue two is in regards to the only fee I have ever been charged on this card, the account transfer fee. I had tried to make a payment on the Wells Fargo site from my checking to my card. I mistakenly mixed the two fields up and instead transferred the amount I intended for payment to my Checking. Within about 40 sec I transferred back the account transfer as well as the payment amount. I was hit with a 10.00 account transfer fee the next morning. While I understand the issue was my mistake when I called and the rep reversed the fee, they said it would be credited in 4 days. I waited a week and am now told it will take one to two billing cycles. I know it’s only 10.00 and the amount is insignificant, however it’s the incorrect information and the speed at which the fees hit versus the refund that is the point.

The only other card I have ever had fees on were my initial Capital One cards I used to rebuild. Now this is Capital One, the McDonald’s of the credit card industry, and when I asked to be switched to a non-fee bearing card, the fees were returned within 24 hours. I cannot speak to any other fees as I have never incurred any but it appears that the worst credit card lender is at least 10 years ahead of you in speed. Regardless I will pay my 10.00 payment and await its return at your banks leisure.

What I would like Wells Fargo to do, is at least give me the courtesy of a straight answer on when AND if my secured card will ever be considered for graduation, and hopefully advise its CSAs of the same. I also would like to have my fee returned at least as close to as promptly as it was removed, if not as promptly as your competitors can.


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